Progressive Pick WAV MiDi SPiRE

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Progressive Pick 很自豪地向品牌展示他们的最新包,这是一个具有现代影响和新鲜创意的终极选择 P […]



Progressive Pick 很自豪地向品牌展示他们的最新包,这是一个具有现代影响和新鲜创意的终极选择 Progressive Trance 声音,其中包含构建套件、奖励循环、单次、MIDI 和合成器预设。您的下一个 Progressive Trance 曲目的所有内容都是免版税的。受 Trance 场景中领先标签的启发,包括 Enhanced Progressive、Anjunabeats 和 Ride Recordings,我们创建了独特的包,其中包含用于制作 Trance 热门歌曲的所有内容,从构建套件到合成器预设。 最后,您将看到如何创建郁郁葱葱的 Trance 主音、激进的低音线和平滑而令人惊叹的击穿。为了尽可能以最佳质量进行创作,所有内容都进行了速度同步和键标记,以简化使用它们的工作。 是时候通过 Laniakea Sounds 释放您的创作自由了。
Progressive Pick are proud to present brand their newest pack, an ultimate selection of Progressive Trance sounds with modern influences and fresh ideas, which contains Construction Kits, bonus loops, one-shots, MIDI and synth presets as well. All content is Royalty-Free for your next Progressive Trance track. Inspired by the leading labels on the Trance scene, including Enhanced Progressive, Anjunabeats, and Ride Recordings we are created unique pack which contains all for producing your Trance hit, from Construction Kits to synth presets.  Finally you will see how to create lush Trance leads, aggressive basslines and smooth and breathtaking breakdowns. For creating at the best quality possible, all content is tempo synced and key labelled to simplify the work with them.  It’s time to release your creative freedom with Laniakea Sounds.
