NEXTGEN Vocal Construction Kits Vol.1 WAV MiDi

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NEXTGEN Vocal Construction Kits Vol 1,包含 4 首原创 Trance 国 […]



NEXTGEN Vocal Construction Kits Vol 1,包含 4 首原创 Trance 国歌,适合从 Trance 到 House 的任何舞曲爱好者!该包包含完整的构建套件和人声,范围从 128bpm 到 138bpm,因此您可以完全自由地将声音混合到您心中的愿望。如果您正在寻找一条朗朗上口的声线来为您的曲目增添趣味,或者寻找一条旋律线来激发您的新项目,那么这个包肯定会提供。人声由歌手/词曲作者丹尼·克莱尔(Danny Claire)提供,他在热门曲目中广为人知,如迈克尔·安吉洛(Michael Angelo)的“试驾”、“离子蓝”(Ion Blue)的“记住”(Ion Blue)和冷冲的“地心引力”(Gravity),并得到了阿明·范·布伦(Armin van Buuren)等人在恍惚状态中的支持,超越世界的恍惚,Roger Shah、John O Callaghan、Pedro Del Mar、Ronski Speed、Activa、Daniel Kandi、DJ Feel、John O'Bir、Manuel Le Sa??ux、Mark Eteson 等等。每首曲目都包含原始歌词和人声线(完整的诗句和合唱),包括原始和完整的效果,伴随着鼓循环、样本、声音循环、效果、贝斯线、打击垫和旋律以及它们各自的 MIDI 文件进行编辑、重新排列或与您喜欢的合成器一起使用。
NEXTGEN Vocal Construction Kits Vol 1, a collection of 4 original Trance Anthems for any dance music lover from Trance to House! The pack contains full construction kits and vocals, ranging from 128bpm to 138bpm, so you are totally free to mix the sounds to your hearts desires. If you are looking for a catchy vocal line to spice up your track or a melody line to inspire your new project, this pack will surely deliver. The vocals are provided by singer/songwriter Danny Claire, known from hit tracks like ‘Test Drive’ with Michael Angelo, ‘Remember’ with Ion Blue and Gravity with Cold Rush, supported by the likes of Armin van Buuren in A State of Trance, Above & Beyond in Trance Around The World, Roger Shah, John O Callaghan, Pedro Del Mar, Ronski Speed, Activa, Daniel Kandi, DJ Feel, John O’Bir, Manuel Le Saux, Mark Eteson, and many others. Each track contains original lyrics and vocal lines (full verses and choruses) both raw & with full fx, accompanied with drum loops, samples, sound loops, fx, basslines, pads & melodies along with their respective MIDI files to edit, rearrange or to use with your preferred synths.
