Progressive EDM Madness WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

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“Progressive EDM Madness” 这个 1GB 包包含五个 Progressive EDM […]



“Progressive EDM Madness” 这个 1GB 包包含五个 Progressive EDM 构建套件。所有的套件都是为了满足最苛刻的生产商而制作的。您是否正在寻找破坏主房间声音的音乐节、朗朗上口的渐进式旋律?这个建筑套件包应有尽有!!!这个包背后的制作人努力为您的工作室带来最新和最新的声音。每个套件都包含旋律、鼓循环、军鼓填充、FX、Drop Lead Loops、Midi 文件。所有文件夹都带有键标记,以便尽可能轻松地组合声音和创造新想法。每个旋律循环都有一个相应的 MIDI 文件,以方便您并以完全的灵活性添加您最喜欢的合成器声音。所有声音都是免版税的,您可以在您的作品中使用它们。
“Progressive EDM Madness” This 1GB pack contains five Progressive EDM Construction Kits. All the kits has been made to satisfy the most demanding producers. Are you searching for the festival destroying main- room sounds, catchy melodic progressive melodies? This construction kits pack has it all!!! The producer behind this pack worked hard to bring you the latest and up to date sounds to your studio. Each Kit contains Melodies, Drum Loops, Snare Fills, FX, Drop Lead Loops, Midi files. All folders are in key labeled to make it as easy as possible to combine sounds and create new ideas. Each melodic loop has a corresponding MIDI file for your convenience and to add your favorite synth sounds with total flexibility. All sounds are royalty free, and you can use them in your productions.
