Talk of the Beats 是一个全新的样本包汇编。 我们的目标是为生产者提供生产者制作的优质样品。 没有胡闹、直线上升、节拍、贝司线、单发鼓声和音效,它们是您曲目的核心,而不是无用的音乐即兴演奏和和弦,没有人会使用并且只是为了填满空间而创建的! 该包总大小为 160mb,包含 40 个鼓循环、40 个顶部循环、30 个 sfx、20 个低音线循环和 30 个一次性鼓点,所有这些都是由著名的技术公司制作人 Vangelis Kostoxenakis(Snatch、Toolroom、Suara)以原始质量从零开始创作的44khz/24bit。
Talk of the Beats is a brand new samples pack compilation. Our goal is to provide quality samples made by producers for producers. No fooling around, straight up, beats, bass lines, one shot drum hits and sound effects which are the core of your track, not useless music riffs and chords which no one will use and are created just to fill up space! The pack totals 160mb containing 40 drum loops, 40 top loops, 30 sfx, 20 bass line loops and 30 one shot drum hits, all original and created from scratch by acclaimed tech house producer Vangelis Kostoxenakis (Snatch, Toolroom, Suara) in pristine quality of 44khz/24bit.