Trance Nights 2 WAV MiDi

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在这个期待已久的第二版中,令人费解的合成器、爆破的低音线、抽鼓训练、敲击仅循环、欣快的立管和氛围、100 多个 […]



在这个期待已久的第二版中,令人费解的合成器、爆破的低音线、抽鼓训练、敲击仅循环、欣快的立管和氛围、100 多个单发和 Midi 文件结合在一起。 Trance Nights 2 的灵感来自当今该类型的知名人士和声音,包含 420MB 的尖端循环和热门歌曲,为最大的竞技场做好了准备。该系列以 45 个经过高度处理的鼓循环为基础,提供完整、顶部和剥离的变体,用于即时节拍控制。
Mind-bending synths, bin-blasting basslines, pumping drum workouts, pounding kick-only loops, euphoric risers and atmospheres, 100+ one-shots and Midi files combine in this long-awaited second edition. Inspired by the biggest names and sounds of the genre today Trance Nights 2 packs in 420MB of cutting-edge loops and hits primed for the biggest arenas. The collection is underpinned by 45 supremely processed drum loops which are offered in full, top and stripped variants for instant beat control.
