Deep House Devine WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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5 个出色的 Deep House 构建套件,带有 WAV 和 MIDI 循环的“现代”老派感觉。如果您愿意, […]



5 个出色的 Deep House 构建套件,带有 WAV 和 MIDI 循环的“现代”老派感觉。如果您愿意,后者允许您交换来自您最喜欢的硬或软件合成器的声音。所有内容都是免版税的,并且可以按原样或更改版本发布而无需额外费用。您可以混合来自不同 trax 的循环。该套件包含节奏和谐波内容,如贝斯线、和弦进行、旋律和鼓/打击乐。
5 excellent Deep House construction kits with a “modern” oldskool feeling featuring WAV & MIDI loops. The latter allow you to exchange the sounds to be coming fom your favourite hard or software synths, if you wish to. All content is royalty-free and can be published with no further costs as they are or in altered versions. You could mash up loops from different trax. The kits contain rhythmical and harmonical content as basslines, chord progressions, melodies and drums/percussion.
