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“心跳:地下之家”为所有 125 BPM 的头部提供了一些紧张的踢腿、肥厚的鼓掌、90 年代风格的录音打击乐以 […]



“心跳:地下之家”为所有 125 BPM 的头部提供了一些紧张的踢腿、肥厚的鼓掌、90 年代风格的录音打击乐以及更多其他内容。众所周知,House 音乐的节奏与人类的自然心跳完美匹配。 Ghost Syndicate 不能再忽视这个事实,决定制作一个样品包来庆祝。 “心跳”是一个样本集,旨在扩展您在制作 Magesy? Underground House、Tech-house、Jacking/Fidget House 等时的声音调色板。它使您可以毫不费力地为永无止境的派对演奏动听的曲调。准备好借助刺耳的帽子和钹以及密集的橡胶低音线,嚎叫和汩汩声,为您的音轨注入亚音速冲击力。用一系列狂热的合成碎片和排骨调味,这个包将成为一个强大的工具包,让你的观众在舞池里一直呆到……嗯,实际上,永远。
‘Heartbeat: Underground House’ drops some tight kicks, fatty claps, 90s-inspired taped percussion chops and so much more in this treat of a pack for all the 125 BPM heads out there. It’s well-known that the tempo of House music perfectly matches the natural human heartbeat. Ghost Syndicate could no longer ignore this fact and decided to make a sample pack to celebrate. ‘Heartbeat’ is a sample collection aimed to expand your sonic palette in making Magesy? Underground House, Tech-house, Jacking/Fidget House et al. It allows you to effortlessly whip up pumping tunes for a party that never ends. Be ready to breathe some motion into your tracks with the aid of ear-piercing hats & cymbals and dense rubbery basslines, howling and gurgling, set to give your drops that subsonic impact. Seasoned with a selection of feverish synthetic bits & chops, this pack will make a powerful toolkit for keeping your audience on the dancefloor until…well, actually, forever.
