Afro Pop Guitars WAV-DiSCOVER

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适合要求苛刻的制作人、作曲家、词曲作者和节拍制作人的电吉他循环。如果您正在阅读本文,则意味着您来对地方了,可以 […]



适合要求苛刻的制作人、作曲家、词曲作者和节拍制作人的电吉他循环。如果您正在阅读本文,则意味着您来对地方了,可以听到一些新鲜的鼓舞人心的声音,这次是非洲风格的氛围!我们的吉他循环注重细节和市场趋势。许多现代音乐的灵感来自那些带有非洲根源的声音。您可以听到 Afro Pop、Afro Trap、Afro Tone 和其他类似风格。我们的吉他循环将帮助您创建自己喜欢的风格。几乎每一种声音都可以在电脑和 VST 乐器的帮助下创造出来,但没有什么能比专业音乐家演奏的新鲜电吉他循环更能给你一种自然的感觉和氛围。你不能在你的电脑上伪造它!相信我!
Electric guitar loops for demanding producers, composers, songwriters and beatmakers. If you are reading this that means that you are in the right place to get some fresh inspiring sounds, this time with an Afro-style vibe! Our guitar loops are made with attention to detail and market trends. A lot of modern music is inspired those days by the sounds with Afro roots. You can hear Afro Pop, Afro Trap, Afro Tone and other similar styles. Our guitar loops will help you create your favorite style. Almost every sound can be created with a little help of a computer and VST instruments, but there is nothing like fresh electric guitar loops played by professional musician that give you a natural feeling and vibe. You can’t fake it on your computer! Trust me!
