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Mellow Pop 的灵感来自开阔的风景、令人叹为观止的远景等,它以我们都知道和喜爱的格式提供了优美的表演、 […]



Mellow Pop 的灵感来自开阔的风景、令人叹为观止的远景等,它以我们都知道和喜爱的格式提供了优美的表演、令人难以置信的制作细节和永恒的作品。从经典的人声和声到现场原声和电子乐器,再到细腻的纹理和氛围,这个开创性的系列立即成为经典。分为 12 个漂亮的构造套件,您会发现精致的 1、2 和 3 声部原声吉他样本、超凡脱俗的 Mellotron Loop、来自中提琴和小提琴的单个和分组的现场弦乐 Loop、毛毡处理的钢琴和 Rhodes Loop、分组的男声和声和字符丰富的立式钢琴循环。受 Sigur Ros、Vegyn、Matty 和 Dean Blunt 的声音启发,这款深夜驾驶经典作品唤起了纯粹的怀旧情绪,在精致的人声或合作下完美呈现。因此,如果您想添加一些精美的演奏和专业录制的样本,那么这些适合您。无论您是制作流行音乐还是电影配乐、Ambient Electronica,还是只是想为您的下一首曲目添加一些美丽的东西,那么这款适合您。
Mellow Pop’ is a pack inspired by open landscapes, breathtaking vistas and beyond, that delivers beautiful performances, incredible production detail and timeless compositions in a format we all know and love. From the classic vocal harmonies to the live acoustic and electric instruments to the delicate textures and ambiences, this groundbreaking collection is an instant classic. Divided down into 12 beautiful construction kits, you’ll find delicate 1, 2 and 3 part acoustic guitar samples, otherworldly Mellotron loops, single and grouped live string loops from violas and violins, felt processed piano and Rhodes loops, grouped male vocal harmonies and character rich upright piano loops. Inspired by the sounds of Sigur Ros, Vegyn, Matty and Dean Blunt, this late night driving classic evokes emotions of pure nostalgia that would sit perfectly under a delicate vocal or collaboration. So, if you’re looking to add some beautifully performed and expertly recorded samples then this ones for you. Whether you produce Pop or film score, Ambient Electronica or just want to add something beautiful to your next track, then this one’s for you.
