Pop Arcade WAV

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和声是一首歌定义其声音和情绪的基石。整个样本包围绕和声构建,为您提供广泛的和声循环,您可以轻松地使用这些循环开 […]



和声是一首歌定义其声音和情绪的基石。整个样本包围绕和声构建,为您提供广泛的和声循环,您可以轻松地使用这些循环开始创作歌曲。作为完美的伴奏,您还会发现新鲜明亮的打击乐、旋律元素、鼓、声音纹理和丰富的 FX 元素集合。使用它们来改善您的声音或快速创建歌曲创意。 60 个和声循环、79 个鼓循环、56 个纹理和主循环、350 个旋律、打击乐器、贝司和 FX 单发!享受…
Harmony, the cornerstone of a song defining its sound and mood. The whole sample pack is built around harmonies offering you a wide range of harmonic loops which you can easily use to start composing your song. As a perfect accompaniment to this you will also find fresh and bright percussions, melodic elements, drums, sound textures and a rich collection of FX elements. Use them to improve your sound or to quickly create a song idea. 60 Harmony Loops, 79 Drum Loops, 56 Texture and Lead Loops, 350 Melody, Percussion, Bass and FX One Shots!. Enjoy…
