Urban Pop Vocals 1 WAV-DECiBEL

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<b>人声卖唱片!爱上 Urban Pop Vocals 1 的声音!</b>这位令人 […]



<b>人声卖唱片!爱上 Urban Pop Vocals 1 的声音!</b>这位令人惊叹的专业歌手独特的低音是令人振奋的歌词和发自内心的乐句的理想载体,带您回到像 Chaka Khan 这样的 R&B 和灵魂传奇人物。期待各种引人入胜的钩线和充满个性的即兴表演,从舒缓的高音到最饱满的低音。 Urban Pop Vocals 1 – 在恰当的时刻充满激情、可爱和充满态度!在 Urban Pop Vocals 1 中,我们展示了 Artist 系列 Image Sounds 的另一个版本。在这个伟大的专家系列中,我们专注于现场乐器和人声的录制,全部由专业音乐家录制。图书馆的录音是用高品质的录音设备制作的,以捕捉每个乐器的自然声音的巨大接近。您不仅会注意到教科书的质量,还会注意到我们渴望生产的品种和高质量的加工。该产品总大小为 650 MB。节奏在 61 BPM – 140 BPM 之间。该库包含 28 个文件夹,并提供了总共 740 个不同音乐风格的人声循环。
Vocals sell records! Fall in love with the voice of Urban Pop Vocals 1! The unique low timbre of this stunning professional vocalist is the ideal vessel for uplifting lyrics and heartfelt phrasings, taking you back to R&B and Soul legends like Chaka Khan. Look forward to a variety of catchy hook lines and ad libs full of character, ranging from soothing highs to the fullest of lows. Urban Pop Vocals 1 – passionate, endearing, and peppered with attitude at just the right moments! With Urban Pop Vocals 1 we present another release from the Artist Series of Image Sounds. In this great expert series, we focus exclusively on the recording of live instruments and vocals, all recorded by professional musicians. The library recordings are made with high-quality recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of the natural sound of each instrument. You will not only notice the textbook quality, but also the variety and high-quality processing we are eager to produce. The product is 650 MB in size all in all. The tempos are between 61 BPM – 140 BPM. The library contains 28 folders and offers a total of 740 vocal loops in many different musical styles.
