Trap Addiction Vol.1 是一款全新的带有五个 Hip Hop 构建套件,灵感来自 Dirty South/Trap 传奇人物的音乐,例如 T.I、L'il Wayne、Drumma Boy、Shawty Redd、Rick Ross、Lex Luger 和 BrickSquad,你是肯定会得到蓬勃发展的 808、大铜管部分、复杂的弦乐和切割合成器。拿起这个套件,为您的下一个项目提供真正的 Trap 音乐感觉!
Trap Addiction Vol.1 is a brand new featuring five Hip Hop Construction Kits inspired by the music of Dirty South/Trap legends such as T.I, L’il Wayne, Drumma Boy, Shawty Redd, Rick Ross, Lex Luger and BrickSquad, you are sure to get booming 808s, big brass sections, intricate strings and cutting synths. Grab this kit and give your next project that real Trap music feel!