Urban Alien Vol.1 WAV

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来自 Eminem、Wu-Tang Clan、Jedi Mind Tricks、Tech N9ne 和无数其他 […]



来自 Eminem、Wu-Tang Clan、Jedi Mind Tricks、Tech N9ne 和无数其他的制作人的第一批样品包和施工套件! Urban Alien Vol.1 是一个以 Schoolboy Q、Tech N9ne、Travis Scott 等风格代表尖端嘻哈制作的系列。 5 个完整的建筑套件,随时可以激发灵感。 所有的循环都是标准的 WAV 格式,但也是酸化的。疯狂的鼓循环、朗朗上口的样本旋律、808 条贝斯线、剪辑、音效等等。 除此之外,还有大量的鼓点、旋律打击 808 等等,可以直接为屡获殊荣的制作人项目编写您自己的带有真实声音的循环。 所有专业编辑和循环播放,没有点击和弹出。 所以拿起包,成为一个城市外星人!
From the producers of Eminem, Wu-Tang Clan, Jedi Mind Tricks, Tech N9ne and countless others first batch of sample packs and construction kits! Urban Alien Vol.1 is a collection representing cutting edge hiphop production in the styles of Schoolboy Q, Tech N9ne, Travis Scott and more. 5 complete construction kits that are ready to inspire.  All loops are in standard WAV format but are also Acidized. Crazy drum loops, catchy sample melodies, 808 basslines, cuts, sfx and more.  In addition to that there is a large selection of drumhits, melodic hits 808’s and more to compose your own loops with authentic sounds straight for award winning producers projects.  All expertly edited and looped, no clicks and pops.  So grab the pack and become an URBAN ALIEN!
