Dreamers WAV-DECiBEL

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为现代流行音乐和 RNB 制作人重新选择样本、循环和构建套件! Dreamers – Urban Pop &a […]



为现代流行音乐和 RNB 制作人重新选择样本、循环和构建套件! Dreamers – Urban Pop & RNB Kits 包含 15 个免版税的构建套件,为您带来一组鼓舞人心的乐器、旋律和节拍:完美融合流行和 RNB,这些是电台就绪样本,可为您的作品加载现代和时尚的声音! Dreamers – Urban Pop & RNB Kits 中的每个构建套件都是免版税的,包括制作和混音所需的所有单独元素:完整的鼓循环、鼓循环元素(如底鼓、军鼓、帽子、拍手、打击乐和更多)、旋律元素和器乐(贝斯、808、合成器、主音、FX、Vox 等)以及超清脆的单发!
Afresh selection of samples, loops and construction kits for modern Pop and RNB producers! Packed with 15 royalty-free construction kits, Dreamers – Urban Pop & RNB Kits brings you a set of inspirational instrumentals, melodies and beats: perfectly blending Pop and RNB these are radio-ready samples that will load your productions with contemporary and trendy sounds! Each construction kit in Dreamers – Urban Pop & RNB Kits is royalty-free and includes all the individual elements you need to produce and mix your tracks: full drum loops, drum loop elements ( such as kicks, snares, hats, claps, percussion & more), melodic elements and instrumentals (bass, 808, synth, leads, FX, Vox & more) plus super crisp one-shots!

下一篇: Drum Fills WAV