King of RnB WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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“节奏布鲁斯之王” 是一个令人难以置信的 R&B 包,灵感来自 Trey Songz […]



“节奏布鲁斯之王” 是一个令人难以置信的 R&B 包,灵感来自 Trey Songz 和 Usher 等艺术家,包含高品质的鼓和感性的旋律。这个包将为您提供您正在寻找的经典 R&B 声音。使用这些感性的氛围来激发您的下一个打击。凭借 808、镲片、吉他和弹拨、琴键、圣歌等五种构造套件和循环,您已准备好成为 R&B 制作的国王或女王。这些声音将使您与竞争对手区分开来。这些循环适用于所有 DAW。
‘King Of RnB’  is an incredible R&B pack inspired by artists such as Trey Songz and Usher containing high-quality drums and sensual melodies. This pack will give you the classic R&B sounds you are looking for. Use these sensual vibes to inspire your next hit. With five Construction Kits and loops such as 808s, cymbal crashes, guitars & plucks, keys, chants and more, you are poised to become the king or queen of R&B production. These sounds will separate you from your competition. These loops work with all DAWs.
