期待已久的我们最受欢迎的系列的续集,Vibes 4 准时到来,将未来最好的 R&B 和灵魂带到一个全新的水平,并更加专注于使该卷不辜负并超越其前辈。 Vibes 4 的明确目标是超越但保持过去卷的 _vibe_,带来了当今的趋势、80 年代启发的新经典、您对该系列所期望的一切,以及从最新添加中为您带来的周到的鼓设计 家庭,南非的。灵感来自未来 R&B 供应商 Khalid、Normani、H.E.R.、Jeremih、Kwame、KAYTRANADA 和 THEY 的中左翼产品。和6LACK。
The long awaited sequel to our most popular series, Vibes 4 comes right on time to bring the best of the future r&b and soul to a whole new level with a higher focus on making this volume live up to and surpass its predecessors. With the express goal to surpass yet maintain the _vibe_ of past volumes, Vibes 4 brings today’s trends, 80s inspired new classics, everything you’ve come to expect from the series, and thoughtful drum design brought to you from the latest addition family, South Africa’s. Inspired by the left of center offerings from future r&b purveyors Khalid, Normani, H.E.R., Jeremih, Kwame, KAYTRANADA, THEY. and 6LACK.