Apocaloops WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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APOCALOOPS 是一个新的原始样本包,它为您带来了 78 个循环(完整的音乐循环和分离的循环)以及所有相 […]



APOCALOOPS 是一个新的原始样本包,它为您带来了 78 个循环(完整的音乐循环和分离的循环)以及所有相关的 MIDI 文件。期望获得干净和优质的音乐循环,将您的作品提升到陷阱声音的核心。 MIDI 文件将为您提供最大的灵活性来创建新曲目和制作全新的节拍。 Apocaloops 样本包是免版税许可的,这意味着您可以在任何类型的音乐制作中使用任何循环和样本,而无需额外费用。兼容当今所有的 DAW,例如 FL Studio、Reason、Ableton Live、Logic Pro、Studio One、Cubase 等。
APOCALOOPS is a new sample pack original that brings you 78 Loops (Full music Loops and Separated Loops) with all the associated MIDI files. Expect to get clean and quality music loops that will boost your productions to the heart of the trap sound. The MIDI files will offer you maximum flexibility to create new tracks and make completely new beats. Apocaloops sample pack is licensed as royalty-free, meaning you can use any loops and sample in any type of musical production without extra costs. Compatbile with all today’s DAWs, such as FL Studio, Reason, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Studio One, Cubase, etc.
