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“F.S.H.R”是一个灵感来自过去一年在全球各地举办的节日的声音的包。这个包为您提供了非常时髦的贝斯线、古怪 […]



“F.S.H.R”是一个灵感来自过去一年在全球各地举办的节日的声音的包。这个包为您提供了非常时髦的贝斯线、古怪的合成器打击和 FX、推进鼓打击等等。在此版本中,您将找到 400 多个专业制作的多功能样本和 MIDI 文件,全部 100% 免版税,以帮助您将 Tech House 作品成熟为完整的俱乐部就绪杰作。从 Chris Lake、Gorgon City、Kyle Watson 和 Patrick Topping 等行业重量级人物中汲取灵感,这个包将为您提供提高 Tech House 制作标准所需的一切。包括一个声音库,从深沉的低音循环、低音打击和鼓声,到充满活力的合成器循环、合成器打击、FX 和爆破鼓循环。此外,这个包包含 6 个行业标准,包罗万象,构造工具包分解成茎,包括相应的 MIDI 文件。带着这款出色的包潜入 Tech House 的深处,并立即开始制作专业品质的曲目!
‘F.S.H.R’ is a pack inspired by the sounds that have coloured festivals around the globe over the past year. This pack provides you with extremely groovy basslines, quirky synth hits and FX, propelling drum hits, and much much more. In this release you will find over 400 professionally produced versatile samples and MIDI files, all 100% royalty free, to help ripen your Tech House productions into fully finished club ready masterpieces. Taking inspiration from industry heavy weights such as Chris Lake, Gorgon City, Kyle Watson, and Patrick Topping, this pack will give you everything you need to raise the bar of your Tech House productions. Included is an arsenal of sounds ranging from deep bass loops, bass hits, and drum hits, to vibrant synth loops, synth hits, FX, and popping drum loops. Furthermore this pack contains 6 industry standard, all inclusive, Construction Kits broken down into stems, including the corresponding MIDI files. Dive into the depths of Tech House with this stellar pack, and start producing professional quality tracks instantly!
