创造这个产品,我们试图在 Melodic Techno 风格的声音中重复和改进所有最新和最现代的趋势。精心录制的样本和循环将帮助您获得灵感并创造出真正有趣和独特的东西!行为!我们受到了以下流行和著名团队的启发:&Me、ARTBAT、Monolink、WhoMadeWho、Rampa、Maceo Plex、Denis Horvat 等等!详细来说,预计会找到 2.72GB 的内容,每个 Wav 组件以 24Bit 和 44.1kHz 记录。 166 个样本分为 106 个 Wav 文件、30 个 MIDI 文件、5 个 BIG 构建套件、5 个未掌握的完整混音、5 个掌握的完整混音、30 个 VST 合成器补丁(Spire)。我们所有产品中的每个样品都是在模拟设备上仔细记录和处理的材料。
Creating this product we tried to repeat and make better all the newest and most modern trends in the sound of the Melodic Techno style. Carefully recorded samples and loops will help you get inspired and create something really interesting and unique! Act! We were inspired by such popular and famous teams as: &Me, ARTBAT, Monolink, WhoMadeWho, Rampa, Maceo Plex, Denis Horvat and more! In detail, expect to find 2.72GB of content, with each Wav component recorded at 24Bit and 44.1kHz. 166 samples are divided amongst 106 Wav Files, 30 MIDI Files, 5 BIG Construction Kits, 5 Unmastered Full Mixes, 5 Mastered Full Mixes, 30 VST Synth Patches (Spire). Each sample in all our products is materials that are carefully recorded and processed on analog equipment.