“Ultra Future Bass Vocals 4”提供朗朗上口且美妙的男声乐句,一定会让您的 Future Bass 作品登上排行榜榜首。而且它们都是 100% 免版税的!在这个包中,您会发现为您的曲目增添灵魂、风味和深度的原创人声。所有人声都有干式和湿式两种版本,并提供相应的 MIDI 文件。
‘Ultra Future Bass Vocals 4’ delivers catchy & wonderful male vocal phrases that will be sure to take your Future Bass production to the top of the chart. And they are all 100% Royalty-Free! Inside this pack, you’ll find original vocals that add soul, flavour, and depth to your tracks. All vocals come in both in dry and wet versions and are provided with corresponding MIDI files.