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Vapor – Drum Samples 充满经典模拟鼓机电路的深度冲击力,并隐藏在丰富纹理的现场录音的烟雾氛 […]



Vapor – Drum Samples 充满经典模拟鼓机电路的深度冲击力,并隐藏在丰富纹理的现场录音的烟雾氛围中,为您的下一个节奏提供 340 种轻松通用、强大且非传统的打击乐效果!这个免版税的打击乐强国为复古硬件的声音带来了新的亮点,通过仔细地将复古鼓点与现场录音的微妙氛围、颗粒合成的勇气和电路弯曲的不可预测性进行分层,以产生具有明显特征且可用的鼓样本选择。筛选这个密集的声音集合,您会发现 75 种震动、爆炸性的底鼓、73 种破裂的军鼓、42 种刺痛的拍手和 30 种轰鸣的嗵鼓,以及 75 种沙沙作响的踩镲、15 种清脆的轮辋、15 种刺耳的振动器和 15 种闪闪发光的共鸣撞击声。整个声音集通过我们定制的信号处理链运行,并被电子管式饱和的温暖所掩盖,这些鼓样本将切分任何混音,并为您的节拍带来他们自己的尘土飞扬的个性,无论流派如何。
Bursting with the deep punch of classic analog drum machine circuitry and veiled in the smoky atmosphere of richly textural field recordings, Vapour – Drum Samples delivers 340 effortlessly versatile, powerful and unconventional percussive impacts for your next rhythm! This royalty-free percussive powerhouse throws new light on the sound of vintage hardware, by carefully layering retro drum hits with the subtle ambience of field recordings, the grit of granular synthesis and unpredictability of circuit-bending to produce a distinctly characterful and usable drum sample selection. Sift through this dense sonic collection and you’ll uncover 75 quaking, explosive kicks, 73 cracking snares, 42 stinging claps and 30 bellowing toms, alongside 75 rustling hi hats, 15 crisp rims, 15 rasping shakers and 15 shimmeringly resonant crashes. With the entire sound set run through our bespoke signal processing chain cloaked with the warmth of tube-style saturation, these drum samples will slice through any mix and bring their own dusty personality to your beatmaking, no matter the genre.

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