World Music Electronics WAV-DiSCOVER

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环境,声学和迷人! World Music Electronic 探索了东方音阶和专业演奏原声乐器的世界,以及 […]



环境,声学和迷人! World Music Electronic 探索了东方音阶和专业演奏原声乐器的世界,以及更传统的 house 和电子元素。这些世界音乐样本的大小超过 1GB,是您的电子作品和声音的完美对比。 <b>Ethnic Instrument Loops:</b>从充满混响的垫子到演奏精美的弓形乐器循环、拨弦器和木槌,再到催眠的滚动节拍,这个系列同时提供了现代和传统的东西。灵感来自 Brownswood Recordings、Four Tet 和 Giles Peterson 的录音。 <b>Inspired By Four Tet:</b> 有机打击乐循环既旋律又有机,与亲密弹奏的吉他和以舞蹈为导向的节拍完美搭配。新思想与旧思想相遇的结果是值得称赞的!
Ambient, acoustic and mesmerising! World Music Electronic explores the worlds of Eastern scales and expertly played acoustic instruments, alongside more traditional house and electronic elements. Coming in at over 1gb in size, these world music samples are the perfect counterpoint to your electronic productions and sounds. Ethnic Instrument Loops: From reverb drenched pads to beautifully played bowed instrument loops, plucks and mallets to hypnotic rolling beats, this collection offers something contemporary yet traditional at the same time. Inspired by the sounds of Brownswood Recordings, Four Tet and Giles Peterson sessions. Inspired By Four Tet: The organic percussion loops are both melodic and organic, sit perfectly alongside both the intimately played guitars and the dance orientated beats. The results of new ideas meeting old is something to be applauded throughout!
