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越来越深入地挖掘,每一层都发现了奇怪的新形式,每一个都比上一个更有趣和意想不到。彩虹色的碎片在黑暗、沉重的泥土 […]



越来越深入地挖掘,每一层都发现了奇怪的新形式,每一个都比上一个更有趣和意想不到。彩虹色的碎片在黑暗、沉重的泥土中闪烁——这是我们最新的闪光音效包 Artifact – SFX & Texture Loops 的声音!就像一个打哈欠的山谷,这个系列中包含的 120 个免版税的无人机和纹理循环具有非常广泛的范围和声音深度。色调的范围从幸福的管弦乐和声和温暖到怪异、抽象的声音设计,一路经过各种经过处理的现场录音和频谱合成。你会发现嵌入在这个包中的 693MB 的脉冲、扫描和令人着迷的 SFX 纹理经过专业制作,为他们接触的每一件作品增添了神秘、诱人的氛围和引人注目的复杂性。长度从 11 秒到 24 秒不等,这些丰富、极其细致的声音将无缝滑入您想尝试的任何电影、环境、慢节奏或最小制作中,扩展音乐的频谱深度和焦点。将这些循环和样本用作充满活力的声音宝石和令人陶醉的听觉药水的宝库,准备好带您的听众踏上深入声音以太的旅程。参差不齐、隆隆作响的低音和闪闪发光的棱柱形高音的迷宫般的洞穴等待着——今天就拿起神器——音效和纹理循环,亲自探索吧!
Digging deeper and deeper, every layer uncovers strange new forms, each more intriguing and unexpected than the last. Iridescent shards glimmer amidst the dark, heavy earth – this is the sound of our latest shimmering sound pack, Artifact – SFX & Texture Loops! Like a yawning mountain valley, the 120 royalty-free drone and texture loops included in this collection are of achingly wide scope and sonic depth. Tonal colours range from blissful orchestral harmony and warmth to eerie, abstract sound design, passing through a rich variety of processed field recordings and spectral synthesis along the way. The 693MB of pulsing, sweeping and mesmerising SFX textures you’ll find embedded within this pack have been expertly crafted to add veils of mystery, enticing ambiance and ear-catching complexity to every production they touch. Ranging in length from 11 to 24 seconds, these rich, infinitesimally detailed sounds will slide seamlessly into any Cinematic, Ambient, Downtempo or Minimal production you care to try them in, stretching your music’s spectral depth and focus. Use these loops and samples as a treasure chest of vibrant sonic gems and intoxicating auditory potions, primed to take your audience on a journey deep into the sonic ether. Labyrinthine caverns of ragged, rumbling bass and glinting, prismatic treble lie in wait – pick up Artifact – SFX & Texture Loops today and explore for yourself!

上一篇: Arrow By’s WAV