Wimpy Dog WAV

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“懦弱的狗”是一只特别悲伤的德国牧羊犬的超过 35 种不同录音的集合。他发牢骚,大声喊叫,大喊大叫,他喘着粗气 […]



“懦弱的狗”是一只特别悲伤的德国牧羊犬的超过 35 种不同录音的集合。他发牢骚,大声喊叫,大喊大叫,他喘着粗气,以一种真正富有表现力的方式恳求关注。他一定会为您在屏幕上的任何狗或您正在设计的生物带来一些急需的角色。镜头的长度很长,每次发声前后都有大量的呼吸,简化了复杂序列的创建。所有这些都记录在外面,信噪比很好,即。空气很少。没有狗窝混响或笼子移动,背景中只有偶尔的鸟儿。这加起来可以承受强大的处理量。
“Wimpy Dog” is a collection of over 35 different recordings of a particularly sad German shepherd. He whines, he calls out, he yelps, he pants and pleads for attention in a truly expressive manner. He’ll be sure to bring some much needed character to any dog you’ve got onscreen or a creature you are designing. The takes are generous in length, with plenty of breaths before and after each vocalization simplifying the creation of complex sequences. All of this was recorded outside, with great signal to noise, ie. very little air. No kennel reverb or cage moves and only the occasional birds in the background. That adds up to sounds which will hold up to robust amounts of processing.

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