Gators Sound Effects WAV-FANTASTiC

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用 Gators 的凶猛加强你的声音设计——从野兽般的风箱和可怕的咆哮到咄咄逼人的嘶嘶声和恶毒的下巴啪嗒声。这 […]



用 Gators 的凶猛加强你的声音设计——从野兽般的风箱和可怕的咆哮到咄咄逼人的嘶嘶声和恶毒的下巴啪嗒声。这个独一无二的专属专业库可提供令人惊叹的鳄鱼音效,随时为您的音频项目增添力量和强度。 “独一无二”一点也不夸张。您在其他任何地方都找不到专门用于鳄鱼或鳄鱼音效的类似系列是有原因的。这些声音不仅记录起来很危险,而且很难捕捉到,因为短吻鳄通常是非常隐秘、安静的生物……除了在交配季节。
Beef up your sound design with the ferocity of Gators – from beastly bellows and monstrous growls to aggressive hisses and vicious jaw snaps. This one-of-a-kind, exclusive speciality library delivers stunning alligator sound effects ready to add power and intensity your audio projects. And “one-of-a-kind” is no exaggeration. There’s a reason you will not find a similar collection dedicated to alligator or crocodile sound effects anywhere else. These sounds can not only be dangerous to record, but they are extremely difficult to capture as alligators are typically very stealthy, quiet creatures… except during mating season.
