Classic Soul Samples WAV-FANTASTiC

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Classic Soul Samples 完全按照它在锡罐上所说的那样做。 1.3gb 的经典灵魂乐、摩城和布 […]



Classic Soul Samples 完全按照它在锡罐上所说的那样做。 1.3gb 的经典灵魂乐、摩城和布鲁斯样本,灵感来自 60 年代末和 70 年代初。这个样本包包括完整的循环、重新采样和切碎的部分、鼓、贝司和单独的乐器杆,如 rhodes 和吉他,具有最大的灵活性。所有的声音都是 100% 免版税,可以拖放到任何 DAW 或采样器中。
Classic Soul Samples does exactly what it says on the tin. 1.3gb of classic soul, motown and blues samples inspired by the late 60’s and early 70’s. This sample pack includes full loops, resampled and chopped sections, drums, bass and individual instrument stems such as rhodes and guitar for ultimate flexibility.. All sounds are 100% royalty free and are ready to drag and drop into any DAW or sampler.
