Soul Ties WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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Soul Tiesis 是一种从硬波浪钢琴到有弹性的鼓的旋律氛围。该套件是您图书馆的完美补充。 Soul ti […]



Soul Tiesis 是一种从硬波浪钢琴到有弹性的鼓的旋律氛围。该套件是您图书馆的完美补充。 Soul ties 的灵感来自当今的主要艺术家和制作人,例如 Roddy Ricch、Dj Mustard、The Kid Laroi、Lil Baby、Morray 等等。 MIDI 文件也包括在内,让您可以自由地将旋律与您选择的任何声音一起应用。或者,将 WAV 文件拖放到您选择的 DAW 中,即可立即开始演奏。
Soul Tiesis a melodic vibe from hard wavy piano’s to bouncy drums. This kit is perfect addition to your library. Soul ties was inspired by major artist and producers of today such as Roddy Ricch, Dj Mustard, The Kid Laroi, Lil Baby, Morray and many more. MIDI files are also included which give you the freedom to apply melodies with any sound you choose. Alternatively, drag and drop the WAV files into your DAW of choice to get started on hits straight away.
