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使用“SoulVox”,为您的曲目添加应有的声音并使其栩栩如生……找到适合您节奏的歌手通常是一项至关重要但又很 […]



使用“SoulVox”,为您的曲目添加应有的声音并使其栩栩如生……找到适合您节奏的歌手通常是一项至关重要但又很麻烦的任务…… Unmute 决定通过为您提供温暖的男声乐句和循环的独家集合来简化此过程.我们与一位专业且才华横溢的歌手合作,制作了 100% 免版税且可随时使用的人声样本,用于各种制作,包括灵魂、放克、嘻哈等。该包包含超过 542Mb 的内容,例如 Ad-libs、One Shots、Chants、Vox Fx……这些人声经过精心录制。我们尽可能保持我们的处理干净和中立,以使您能够添加最后的润色。 4 个构建工具包还向您展示了一些上下文中的声音。如果您想要在您的作品中体现灵魂歌手的真正精神,请务必立即购买此包!
With “SoulVox”, add the voice your track deserves and bring it alive… It’s often a crucial but troublesome task to find a vocalist for your beat… Unmute decided to simplify this process by providing you an exclusive collection of warm male vocal phrases and loops. We teamed up with a professional and talented vocalist to produce 100% royalty-free and ready to use vocal samples for a wide range of productions including Soul, Funk, Hip Hop and even more. The pack features over 542Mb of content such as Ad-libs, One Shots, Chants, Vox Fx… These vocals have been recorded with the utmost care and attention. We kept our processing as clean and neutral as possible to enable you to add your final touch. 4 construction Kits also show you some of the voices in context. If you want the real spirit of a soul singer in your productions, be sure to grab this pack NOW!
