Talkbox Funk Grooves 卷。 1- 一组粗犷、复古的硬失真旋律 riff、funkified groove loop、one-shot,灵感来自 Talkbox 的经典声音,可增强您的 Hip-Hop、Funk、Soul、R&B 和流行曲目。由键盘大师制作和演奏,这个独特的系列是您的必备单品
Talkbox Funk Grooves Vol. 1- a gritty, throwback set of hard distorted melodic riffs, funkified groove loops, one-shots, inspired by the classic sounds of the Talkbox which will enhance your Hip-Hop, Funk , Soul , R&B and pop tracks. Produced and performed by keyboard master, this unique collection is a funky must have for your