复古灵魂键和人声 3!来自老歌时代的永恒音乐和金嗓子,你情不自禁地爱上。才华横溢的团队带着五个构建套件(总共 94 个样本)回来了,捕捉了复古灵魂的追捧之声。每个套件都有单独的循环和一个镜头,可以轻松混合、匹配和创建不同的安排!您不仅可以获得炙手可热的电子键盘循环、手指贝司、钢琴、打击垫、主音和弦乐,而且您还可以获得由女王本人提供的精选灵魂歌声! – 100% 原创,100% 免版税。
VINTAGE SOUL KEYS AND VOCALS 3! Timeless music and Golden vocals from the oldies era you can’t help but love. The talented team is back with five construction kits (94 samples total), capturing the sought after sound of vintage soul. Each kit has individual loops and one shots making it easy to mix, match and create different arrangements! Not only do you get sizzling electric keyboard loops, finger bass, piano, pads, leads and strings but you also get a great selection of soul vocals provided by the Queen herself! – 100% Original, 100% Royalty Free.