100 Tech House Samples WAV-FANTASTiC

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“100 件 Tech House 上衣、帽子和背景圈”。为 House、Tech House 和 Techn […]



“100 件 Tech House 上衣、帽子和背景圈”。为 House、Tech House 和 Techno 制作人提供的 24 位、2 小节鼓循环的最终合集。使用模拟和数字鼓机和合成器的组合创建并通过我们的高端信号链进行处理,这个样本集合将满足您未来几年的高端需求!该产品旨在以精确和清晰的方式推动您的 Tech House 生产。期待找到各种各样的炙手可热的帽子和摇摆不定的打击乐,肮脏的驾驶台面和间隔开的环境背景。我们还包括一个包含 20 个现代填充的奖励文件夹,旨在为所有重要的下降增加影响。
‘100 Tech House Tops, Hats and Background Loops’. The definitive collection of 24 bit, 2 bar drum loops for House, Tech House and Techno producers. Created using a combination of analog and digital drum machines and synths and processed through our high end signal chain, this collection of samples will be supplying your top end needs for years to come! This product is all about driving your Tech House productions with precision and clarity. Expect to find an assortment of sizzling hats and wonky percussion, dirty driving tops and spaced out, ambient backgrounds. We’ve also included a bonus folder of 20 modern fills, designed to add impact for that all important drop.
