Deep Tech Analogue Boost 119Bpm WAV-DiSCOVER

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增加制作的难度和复杂程度。为您的曲目添加一些模拟增强。找到适合您的 3D 氛围,扩展您的想法。我们在这里为您提 […]



增加制作的难度和复杂程度。为您的曲目添加一些模拟增强。找到适合您的 3D 氛围,扩展您的想法。我们在这里为您提供帮助!如果您正在寻找真正令人眼花缭乱的特别产品,请不要再寻找,Deep Tech Analogue Boost 119Bpm 在这里一切就绪。这个小宝贝超级辣,脆,脆,辣。您最好在为时已晚之前检查声音,因为它往往被其他人太快接受。 趁它是你工作室煎锅的新鲜肉时拿走它。 Phatty Samples 只为您带来最好的声音,您知道这一点。 请享用!
Increase the level of difficulty and complexity in your productions. Add some analogue boost to your tracks. Find your right 3D atmospherics, get your ideas extended. We are here to help you out! If you’re looking for something extra-specific that really dazzles, look no more, you’ve got it all right here with Deep Tech Analogue Boost 119Bpm. This little baby is super hot, crunchy, crispy and spicy. You’d better check the sound before it’s too late as it tend to be taken by others too fast.  Take it whilst it’s fresh meat for your studio’s frying pan. Phatty Samples brings you only the best sounding and you know that.  Enjoy your meal!
