汉堡科技氛围。 Kuestenklatsch 是一个 Tech-House 项目的名称,其音乐根源强烈来自 80 年代和 90 年代的声音,因此在这个系列中,您会发现一些来自“过去的美好时光”的强大样本。在很短的时间内,他们以低音线为主导的时髦技术公司找到了进入德国各地俱乐部的方式。几乎每个周末,他们都会用时髦和冲动的声音把人们推到舞池里。与此同时,他们非常关注自己的作品,直到今天,他们还签约了 303Lovers、Formatik 或 Baikonur Recordings 等唱片公司。
Hamburg Tech Vibes. Kuestenklatsch is the name of a Tech-House project whose musical roots strongly comes from the 80’s and 90’s sounds, so in this collection you’ll recognize some strong samples from “the good old days”. Within very short time their groovy bassline-driven tech house found the way into the club szene all over Germany. Almost every weekend they push the people with groovy and impulsive sound to the dancefloor. Meanwhile they put a strong focus on their own productions and till this day they got signed on labels such 303Lovers, Formatik or Baikonur Recordings.