Tech A Bass Loops WAV-FANTASTiC

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<strong>新电子包:</strong> TECH A BASS LOOPS。 T […]



<strong>新电子包:</strong> TECH A BASS LOOPS。 TECH A BASS LOOPS 是一组精心设计的低音循环。该系列包含您“即将成为”的传奇 HOOKS,适用于低音音乐、电子、House、EDM 等等!所有声音都是原始的录音室准备样本,通过模拟设备混合,因此您可以将此包加载到您的 DAW、Drum Maschine 或采样器中,并准备好进行一些加热并使用它 – 用户可以期待一个满载的低音循环包20 个样品。所有内容均免版税。
New Electro pack : TECH A BASS LOOPS. TECH A BASS LOOPS is a carefully-designed sets of Bass loops. This collection features your “soon-to-become” legendary HOOKS for Bass Music, Electro, House, EDM and many more ! All sounds are original studio-ready samples, mixed through analog gears, so you can load this pack into your DAW, Drum Maschine or Sampler and be ready to make some heats and live with it – Users can expect a fully loaded bass loop pack of 20 samples. All content is royalty free.
