借助我们最新的样本包“Dark Fat Techno”,创建 bigroom techno 曲目并尽情发挥您的创造力。打包拖放就绪内容,您可以期待制作凹槽的低端子循环、丰富的低音线、环境打击乐、特定的音乐循环、现场顶级循环、基本效果、互补的踩镲循环、必备单发和温暖的模拟合成器循环准备好将您的曲目推向一个新的水平。
Create bigroom techno tracks and indulge your creativity with the aid of our latest sample pack ¨Dark Fat Techno¨. Packing of drag&drop ready content you can expect groove-making low end sub loops, meaty basslines, ambiental percussion, specific music loops, on the spot top loops, essential effects, complementary hi-hat loops, must-have one shots and warm analog synth loops ready to push your tracks to the next level.