Dark Melodic Techno 3 WAV-FANTASTiC

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如果您想将您的深色旋律 Techno 作品提升到一个新的水平,这个样本包适合您!所有 Loop 和 onesh […]



如果您想将您的深色旋律 Techno 作品提升到一个新的水平,这个样本包适合您!所有 Loop 和 oneshot 均<b>受到我们的故事、来世、DJ Dixon、Ame、London Grammar、CamelPhat、Hidden Empire、Innervisions 和 Awakenings、Tomorrowland 或 Burning Man Festival 等节日的启发</b>。 <b>您将受益于我们制作团队的经验</b>以及用于创建这些出色声音选择的所有模拟合成器。 <b>Bass Loops、HiHiat Loops、Percussion Loops、Kickdrum Loops 等</b>。是构建节拍的基本构建块。所有 WAV 声音都适用于现代 DAW 和采样器,如 Ableton、FL Studio、Cubase、Logic Pro、Reason Studios、Bitwig、Akai MPC、Octatrack、Analog Rytm、NI MASCHINE 等。
If you want to bring your darker melodic Techno productions to the next level this sample pack is for you! All loops and oneshots are inspired by Tale Of Us, Afterlife, DJ Dixon, Ame, London Grammar, CamelPhat, Hidden Empire, Innervisions and Festivals like Awakenings, Tomorrowland or Burning Man Festival. You will profit from the experience of our producer team and all the analog synthesizers used to create this outstanding selection of sounds. The Bass Loops, HiHiat Loops, Percussion Loops, Kickdrum Loops etc. are the basic building blocks to construct your beats with. All WAV sounds work in modern DAWs and samplers like Ableton, FL Studio, Cubase, Logic Pro, Reason Studios, Bitwig, Akai MPC, Octatrack, Analog Rytm, NI MASCHINE etc.
