深受喜爱的第 4 版“Deep Techno”包再次专注于 Techno 的旋律、简约和梦幻的一面,它适用于小型俱乐部和大型音乐节。从头开始精心制作的主要模拟声音承载了如此多的有机感觉,这是由模拟设备的不可预测的噪音和小错误造成的。纯软件制作难以达到的深度。这个令人印象深刻的包包含 723MB 的高端 24 位 WAV 录音,这些录音捕捉了 Oberheim OB-6、Minilogue、MatrixBrute 或不同的 Moog 模型及其模拟效果链以及模块化合成器等合成器的每一个细微差别。
The 4th edition of beloved “Deep Techno” pack is again focusing on the melodic, reduced and dreamy side of Techno, which works in small clubs as well as on big festivals. Carefully crafted from scratch, the primarily analog sounds host that so much apprechiated organic feel, which results from the unpredictable noises and small errors of analog gear. A deepness hard to reach with software-only production. This impressive pack contains 723MB of high end 24bit WAV recordings which captured every nouance of synths like the Oberheim OB-6, Minilogue, MatrixBrute or different Moog models and their analog effect chains as well as Modular Synths.