Introspective Techno WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Introspective Techno”将带您踏上心灵深处的旅程,探索一些最深刻、最迷人的 Techno […]



“Introspective Techno”将带您踏上心灵深处的旅程,探索一些最深刻、最迷人的 Techno 声音。把自己绑起来!在里面你会发现扭曲的模拟琶音和序列在空灵的波浪和深沉中上升和下降,以及轻松填充频谱低端的弹出低音线。也有直接从硬件和 Eurorack 中提取的快速敲击鼓和打击乐,可以直接进入混音,以及冲击低端的底鼓,将直接击中您的音响系统。
‘Introspective Techno’ will take you on a journey to the furthest reaches of your mind to explore some of the deepest, most enthralling Techno sounds out there. Strap yourself in! Inside you’ll find twisting, analogue arps and sequences that rise and fall in ethereal waves and deep, and popping basslines that fill out the lower end of the spectrum with ease. There are also fast pattering drums and percussion taken straight from hardware and eurorack that can fall straight into the mix, as well as pounding low-end kicks that will punch your sound system straight in the guts.
