Mechanized Techno WAV

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“机械化 Techno”将循环套件提升到一个新的水平,并扭曲了一个光滑的工业风格 Techno 包,以满足您不 […]



“机械化 Techno”将循环套件提升到一个新的水平,并扭曲了一个光滑的工业风格 Techno 包,以满足您不断增长的工作室需求。该系列已准备好激发您的下一首曲目或混音。这个令人难以置信的新包已准备好以 128 BPM 的速度运行。每个 Loop Kit 都包含您在演示音轨中听到的所有内容,以及组成每个 Kit 的所有单音。这些循环套件也可以用作 NI Traktor Remix Decks 中的 DJ 工具,以获得最大的灵活性。 “机械化技术”设置为混合和匹配套件,因此您可以创建新的和令人兴奋的新凹槽和支持鼓。留下了足够的动态余量,因此您可以添加大量效果并让它们听起来符合您的要求。 “机械化技术”是 100% 免版税的,并准备好在您的下一个曲目中摇滚。
‘Mechanised Techno’ takes loop Kits to the next level and twists up a slick Industrial style Techno pack to add to your ever-growing studio needs. This collection is ready to inspire your next track or remix. This incredible new pack is all ready to go at 128 BPM. Each Loop Kit features everything you hear in the demo track, plus all the one-shots that make up each Kit. These loop Kits can also be used as DJ tools in NI Traktor Remix Decks for ultimate flexibility. ‘Mechanized Techno’ is set up to mix and match the Kits, so you can create new and exciting new grooves and backing drums. Enough headroom has been left so you can add tons of effects and make them sound your way. ‘Mechanized Techno’ is 100% Royalty-Free and ready to rock in your next track.
