该包仅包含使用高端音频设备录制的 24 位 WAV 循环,并且仅包含模拟源和处理。所有文件都记录在 Elektron Analog Rytm、Octatrack、Tom 1501 和 Moog Sub Phatty 上。 MELODIC HOUSE & TECHNO 是 100% 免版税的,并且包含速度和键标签,以便于参考。包详细信息: 10 KICK LOOPS 10 TOP LOOPS 20 BASS LOOPS 20 ARP LOOPS 20 SYNTH LOOPS 20 PAD LOOPS 100 个文件 总计 44.1 kHz / 24 位 126 BPM 的所有循环 *此包可能适用的其他类型:Tech House Deep House
The pack contains only 24-bit WAV Loops recorded with high end audio gear and only analog soureces and processing. All files are recorded on Elektron Analog Rytm, Octatrack, Tom 1501 and Moog Sub Phatty. MELODIC HOUSE & TECHNO is 100% Royalty-Free and contain tempo and key labels for easy reference. Pack Details: 10 KICK LOOPS 10 TOP LOOPS 20 BASS LOOPS 20 ARP LOOPS 20 SYNTH LOOPS 20 PAD LOOPS 100 Files Total 44.1 kHz / 24-bit All loops at 126 BPM *Other genres that this package may be usuful in: Tech House Deep House