Obscure Techno WAV MiDi

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技术样品包。对于这个,我们试图给我们的样本一种模糊的感觉。样本包提供了创建下一个 Techno 杰作所需的一切 […]



技术样品包。对于这个,我们试图给我们的样本一种模糊的感觉。样本包提供了创建下一个 Techno 杰作所需的一切。从沉重的鼓循环,到黑暗的合成器或饱和的低音线,激进的顶部和 perc 循环,您将找到开始/完成曲目所需的一切。内部提供超过 900Mb 的完美音频循环和示例镜头。所有循环都标有速度和键,底鼓也标有键。所有样本均采用高品质格式 Wav 44.1 KHz/24Bits,并且都是 100% 免版税。
Techno Sample Pack. For this one, we tried to give an obscure feeling to our samples. The sample pack provide everything that you need to create your next Techno masterpiece. From heavy drum loops, to dark synth or saturated sub basseline, aggressive top and perc loop, you will find everything you need to start/finish your track. More than 900Mb of perfectly crafted audio loops and sample shots are available inside. All the loops are tempo and key labelled, the kick are key-labeled as well. All samples come in high quality format Wav 44.1 KHz/24Bits and they are all 100% Royalty Free.
