Puristic Techno 2 WAV

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这个系列的第二版来了,它专注于 Techno 中的纯粹声音设计。这种简约、简约和纯净的声音风格可以在 Berg […]



这个系列的第二版来了,它专注于 Techno 中的纯粹声音设计。这种简约、简约和纯净的声音风格可以在 Berghain Club 或类似的工业混凝土仓库地点播放的许多唱片中找到。从超坚固的极简 Beat 变化、模拟模块化系统合成器线到脏的 dubby 和弦,以及嘈杂的有机背景循环到底鼓 oneshot、fx 和骑行循环,里面都有一切。几乎所有的声音都是在模拟硬件上制作的,并使用高端外置设备进行处理。该系列的亮点之一是合成器片段,随着时间的推移具有不同的声音调制,因此您的曲目可以获得这种在软件中难以创建的即兴演奏的感觉。另一个值得一提的功能是节拍循环,它已在 90 年代的原始 Mackie 8 总线调音台上混合,当时各种 Techno 传奇人物也使用过。
Here comes the second edition of this series, which is focussed on puristic sounddesign in Techno. This style of minimalistic, reduced and pure sounds can be found in many records which are played at Berghain Club or similar industrial concrete warehouse locations. There is everything inside from super-solid minimalistic Beat variations, analog modular-system synth-lines to dirty dubby chords as well as noisy, organic background loops to kick drum oneshots, fx and ride loops. Almost all sounds have been crafted on analog hardware and processed with high end outboard gear. One of the highlights of this collection are the synth takes which feature different sound modulations over time so your tracks can get this jam-session feel which is hard to create within software. Another feature to mention is the beat loops which have been mixed on an original Mackie 8-bus mixer from the 90s which has been used by various Techno legends of that time too.

上一篇: Puristic Techno 1 WAV
下一篇: Rave Techno 1 WAV