“Tech House Sessions”包含深模拟贝司循环、jackin 节拍和凹槽、故障和非洲注入的部落打击乐进程、复音合成器、groovin 无踢练习、音高和经过处理的人声钩子、对话人声、氛围和环绕声循环加上 FX 声音的主要选择。 “科技屋会议”融合了地下科技屋和部落屋的最佳元素。采用最优质的技术制作原料,这是您的下一个首选系列。
‘Tech House Sessions’ is packed with deep analogue bass loops, jackin’ beats and grooves, glitched and afro-infused tribal percussion progressions, poly synths, groovin’ no-kick workouts, pitched & processed vocal hooks, dialogue vocals, ambience and surround loops plus a prime selection of FX sounds. ‘Tech House Sessions’ fuses the best elements of underground Tech House and Tribal House. Packed with the finest ingredients for tech house productions, this is your next go-to collection.