Techno Afterlife 2 WAV MiDi

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灵感来自 2019 年旋律 Techno 音乐的大腕,例如我们的故事、Mind Against、Mano Le […]



灵感来自 2019 年旋律 Techno 音乐的大腕,例如我们的故事、Mind Against、Mano Le Tough、Stephan Bodzin 等等,这个包是每个 Techno 制作人的必备品!这个包包含 719 MB 的优美旋律循环,将为您提供您自己制作所需的所有声音。 Engineering Samples 为您提供忧郁的合成器线条、强劲的鼓声、闪亮的合成器序列、模拟噪声 FX 和强大的贝斯线。所有主要元素都可以使用或不使用侧链压缩,并以干湿版本存在,以获得最大的灵活性。
Inspired by the biggest names of 2019’s melodic Techno Music like Tale of Us, Mind Against, Mano Le Tough, Stephan Bodzin and many more this Pack is a must have for every Techno Producer out there! Packed with 719 MB full of beautiful melodic loops, this pack will give you all the Sounds you need for your own Production. Engineering Samples provides you with melancholic Synth Lines, hard-hitting drums, sparkling synth sequences, analogue noise FX and powerful Basslines. All of the main Elements are available with & without Sidechain- Compression and exist in a dry & wet version for maximum flexibility.
