Techno 音乐一直以其重复的律动而闻名,让人群跳舞。这正是你会在“Techno Grooves”中找到的。此包包含 5 个专业生产的建筑套件。每个套件都包括深沉的低音凹槽、合成旋律、FX 扫描、声乐斩等等。我们建议单击“全部下载”按钮以将所有这些样本组织在适当的文件夹中。
Techno music has always been known for its repetitive grooves that gets the crowd dancing. Thats exactly what you’ll find in ‘Techno Grooves’. This pack contains 5 professionally produced construction kits. Each kit includes deep bass grooves, synth melodics, FX sweeps, vocal chops, & much more. We recommend clicking the ‘Download All’ button to get all these samples organized in appropriate folders.