“Techno Mission”是一个独特而不同寻常的合集,包含不同寻常的音效、循环和单音。除了富有穿透力的鼓和贝斯线之外,还有打击垫、碰撞、合成器、琶音等。 SFX 包括吊杆、激光枪、仙女座等。受到启发并开始创造一些不同的东西。这些声音易于使用且质量上乘——让您的使命是创造一些特别的东西。没有游戏。只有技术。
‘Techno Mission’ is a uniquely unusual collection that contains out of the ordinary sound effects, loops and one-shots. In addition to the penetrative drums and basslines, there are pads, crashes, synths, arps, and more. The SFX include booms, laser guns, Andromeda, to name a few. Be inspired and start creating something a little different. These sounds are easy to use and of high quality – make it your mission to create something special. No Games. Only Techno.