为您的硬件或软件采样器提供新的 techno oneshot 样本!适用于 Ableton、FL Studio、Logic Pro、cubase 等以及所有硬件采样器,如 Akai MPC、Elektron Analog Rytm 或 MASCHINE。我们完整的模拟制作方法产生了失真的底鼓、干净的技术底鼓、踩镲、军鼓、打击乐、fx、噪音、拍手和游乐以及和弦和合成单音。该包包含使用高端音频设备录制的 350 x 24 位 WAV oneshot,仅模拟源和处理。 Riemann 建议进行进一步的 EQ 和处理以塑造您的声音,但它们已经完美地融入混音,只有调音需要正确 – 如果您觉得底鼓与贝斯线的演奏效果不佳,请尝试调整底鼓或降低一个半音!这同样适用于踩镲和所有其他单音。
Feed your hardware or software sampler with new techno oneshot samples! Works in Ableton, FL Studio, Logic Pro, cubase etc. and all hardware sampler like Akai MPC, Elektron Analog Rytm or MASCHINE. Our full analog production approach resulted in distorted kickdrums, clean techno kickdrums, hihats, snares, percussions, fx, noises, claps and rides as well as chords and synth oneshots. The pack contains 350 x 24bit WAV oneshots recorded with high end audio gear and only analog soureces and processing. Further EQing and processing is recommended by Riemann in order to shape your sound but they will already sit perfectlay in the mix, only the tuning needs to be right – if you feel like the kickdrum does not play well with the bassline try tuning the kick up or down one half tone! The same works with hihats and all other oneshots.