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用商店里最大的玩具盒的所有多色乐趣来激发和振兴你的节拍——介绍我们最新的样本包,旨在让你的节奏朝着你意想不到的 […]



用商店里最大的玩具盒的所有多色乐趣来激发和振兴你的节拍——介绍我们最新的样本包,旨在让你的节奏朝着你意想不到的方向飞速发展,玩具盒——找到打击乐样本!将 303 个全味玩具鼓样本挤入一个塞得满满的打击乐宝箱中,这种充满活力的免版税精选声音既能让您的脸上露出笑容,也能让您的头点头和脚动起来!这种独特而不同寻常的打击力选择采用令人眼花缭乱的玩具和微型乐器声源,从小型手鼓、塑料振动器和挤压毛绒玩具,到雪橇铃、木摇铃、玩具鼓、铃铛、积木甚至玩具厨房用具。每一个样本都经过精心录制、编辑和巧妙处理,以提供出人意料的多功能鼓和打击乐声音,为您尝试的任何流派带来精确和狂欢,从 House 和 Techno 到 Hip Hop、Trap 等等。
Energise and revitalise your beats with all the multi-coloured fun of the biggest box of toys in the store – introducing our latest sample pack destined to send your rhythms rocketing in directions you never expected, Toybox – Found Percussion Samples! Squeezing 303 full-flavour toy drum samples into one over-stuffed percussive treasure chest, this royalty-free selection of vibrant found sound is as capable of bringing a smile to your face as it is to get your head nodding and feet moving! This unique and unusual choice of percussive power takes in a dizzying array of toy and miniature instrumental sound sources, from tiny tambourines, plastic shakers and squeezed soft toys, to sleigh bells, wooden rattles, toy drums, bells, building blocks and even toy kitchen utensils. Every single sample has been meticulously recorded, edited and deftly processed to deliver an unexpectedly versatile set of drum and percussion sounds that will bring precision and revelry to whatever genre you try them in, from House and Techno to Hip Hop, Trap and beyond.
