Dexter WAV

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“Dexter”是另一个包含 40 个旋律循环的包,其灵感来自 Young Thug、Gunna、Drake […]



“Dexter”是另一个包含 40 个旋律循环的包,其灵感来自 Young Thug、Gunna、Drake 等艺术家的热门公告牌热门歌曲。如果您正在寻找最好的鼓舞人心的样本来解锁新的节拍创意,那么这是添加到您的图书馆的理想包。该产品为您提供了一组令人难以置信的旋律循环来启动新项目或添加到现有项目中。所有循环都带有 Key 和 Tempo 标签,以使事情尽可能简单。
‘Dexter’ is another pack which contains 40 Melody loops, inspired by Top Billboard hits from artists like Young Thug, Gunna, Drake and others. If you’re looking for the best inspirational samples to unlock new beat ideas, then this is ideal pack to add to your library. The product gives you an incredible set of Melody loops to start new projects or add to existing ones. All loops are Key and Tempo Labelled to make things as easy as possible.

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