Dream Piano Chords Vol.2 WAV

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这个包遵循相同类型的情感钢琴和弦,为您提供即时的 Cloud R&B、嘻哈和陷阱感觉。灵感来自 Dra […]



这个包遵循相同类型的情感钢琴和弦,为您提供即时的 Cloud R&B、嘻哈和陷阱感觉。灵感来自 Drake、Sy Ari Da Kid、H.E.R 或 The Dream 的纹理氛围,这些高度 R&B 的情感融合氛围样本将为您带来您想要的!现在,结合两个样本包,您可以使用更多样本!用户可以期待一个完全混合的模拟齿轮包,包含 26 个样本和弦和钢琴填充,为您的音轨增添趣味!
This pack follows the same type of emotive piano chords created to give you that instant Cloud R&B, Hip Hop and Trap feel. Inspired by texture vibes from Drake, Sy Ari Da Kid, H.E.R or The Dream, these highly R&B emotive-melting-vibes samples will bring you what you looking for! And now, with the two sample packs combined, you have more samples to play with ! Users can expect a fully mixed-ready with analog gears pack of 26 samples chords and fills of Piano to spice your tracks !
